
A New Command Line Option

Has Been Added To s2aio

As A Workaround for the Mac Issue

To get around the previous issue reported for the MAC,  the -b command line option was added to s2aio for version 1.2 (available on pypi and github).

This option allows you to explicitly specify where the s2aio library files were loaded on your machine after using pip install. This option will work with any operating system and not just Mac.

Here is an example:

s2aio -b /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/s2aio

If you need to use the -b option and are not sure where things were installed, if you type:

pip uninstall s2aio

or  for linux:

sudo pip3 uninstall s2aio

You will be shown a list of items to be removed. Note down the s2aio path, and if you press no, the uninstall will exit without removing the files.

Then start up s2aio with the -b option and you should be able to proceed.

When I get the actual path used by the Mac, I will update s2aio to use that path when a Mac is detected, but until that time, please use the -b option for now. This option will remain even after an explicit Mac path is added to the program.

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