
Xi Update

23 November 2014

  • French Translation Available For Scratch Blocks

  • Translators Guide Availaible in the Documentation Directory

 Go to to view or download the latest changes.

Xi Update

17 November 2014

Additional Functionality For BeagleBone Black

XiBone now supports Servo Motors (standard and continuous), Infrared Distance Sensors, and Piezo Actuators.

Wiring diagrams are available on the Xi Github page for the new features.

No updates are required for xiserver.js, but BeagleBone-IO will need to be updated to the latest version for servo motor support.

To update, go to the xibone directory.

For Linux/Mac type:

sudo npm update beaglebone-io

For Windows type:

npm update beaglebone-io

Sonar Distance and Stepper motor control will most likely require making use of the BeagleBone PRU (Programmable Real-Time Unit), and I will need time to understand how to program these beasts, so the time-frame for those features is unclear.

Language Translation

I have been testing a simplified scheme to provide Scratch block text translation. This scheme delegates all translation details to the Xi client and simplifies using Unicode with Xi. It is being tested using a French translation graciously provided by Seb Canet.

As soon as testing is complete, a Tranalator's Guide will be released.

What's Next?

Additional Raspberry Pi support is next on the list.

Xi v.004 Has Been Released

All Baseline Arduino Features Are Complete For Both Scratch and Snap!

The current feature set is shown in the table above. The next goal is to test the BeagleBone Black against the entire feature set. When that is complete, Raspberry Pi support will follow.

The "grand scheme" is to have all features fully supported on all three boards.

You can get Xi here: