The Next Release Of
Is Being Prepared
Version 2.01 of pymata_aio will soon be released. It incorporates the asyncio changes in Python 3.5 as per the latest asyncio specification (
PEP 492).
This first release of version 2 is a direct port of version 1 features, and no additional features are anticipated for v2.01.
Version 1.9 is being frozen in its own branch on
Github. All future work will be applied to version 2 and beyond.
What This Means For Current Users (Version 1.x)
To use the upcoming version, you will be required to install Python 3.5.
Applications created using either the pymata3 or pymata_iot APIs should not have to be modified in any way
Version 1.x PymataCore based applications will need to be modified to conform to PEP492. The modifications are fairly simple. The
@asyncio.coroutine decorator will need to be removed and replaced with the
async keyword preceding the method name. Also
yield from needs to be replaced with the
await keyword.
Version 1 example:
def my_own_sleep():
yield from board.sleep()
Converted Version 2 example:
async def my_own_sleep():
await board.sleep()
Stay tuned for more details!