
Great New s2a_fm/Snap! Libraries

Version 2.3 Now Available


Prof. Gutierrez

Prof. José Manuel Ruiz Gutiérrez Has Contributed This Great New Snap! Block Library
Click this link to download the files including, the original Spanish documentation and .xml block specification.

The library includes the following s2a_fm/Snap! functionality

Blink Function - Toggles a digital output pin for the specified interval

Analog Regulator - Specify an analog input value to control the value of a digital output pin

Tri-State Analog Regulator

    Logic Gates:
      • AND
      • OR
      • NOT

    Digital Clock Signal Generator

    One Shot (monostable) Digital Output Generator 

    FlipFlop (Bistable) Digital Output Generator 

    Problems with s2a_fm

    French Translations for Scratch 2.0

    If you are having problems using the French translation for s2a_fm, please replace the xlate.cfg file with file at this link: xlate.cfg or from github

    Want to control a D.C. motor using Snap! over WiFi? Read about the Snap!Mobile here.


    A Snap! Project for s2a_fm

    Prof. José Manuel Ruiz Gutiérrez, who provided the Spanish translations for the s2a_fm blocks has created this Snap! project for s2a_fm, called Parking.

    The documentation and Snap! script can be found here: Parking

    Welcome To Mr. Y's Lab Notes!

    I am Alan Yorinks, sometimes known as Mr. Y.,  author of PyMata and s2a_fm.

    On this site you can expect to find:

    • Musings about my current open source software projects.
    • Musings about my future open source software projects.
    • Postings by users of Mr. Y's Lab software.
    • Tutorials.
    • And from time to time, stream of consciousness thoughts about items that interest me.

    This is my first foray into blogging, so this is likely to be a fluid site as I discover how to manage this beast. You are welcome to come along for the ride!

    If you are a user of either PyMata or s2a_fm, and wish to post a project or article to this blog, just use the contact box on the home page of this blog.